We have shared some resources that we will be using this half term in our PSHE lessons.
Oral Health
This week your child will be bringing home a toothbrush and toothpaste which will follow a lesson about oral health in school. We will be giving you some additional resources to support your child with cleaning their teeth at home.
This term we will be teaching children in EYFS and KS1 about PANTS. This has been designed by the NSPCC to support young children in understanding how they can keep themselves self from sexual abuse. PANTS has been created specifically – with the help of parents and professionals – to make sure these conversations are as easy and appropriate as possible for children as young as four. The programme will never use scary words and will use simple, child-friendly language to give your child confidence to stay safe.
Here is an example of the resources we will be using in school.
If you scroll down, you will find more guidance and resources to support your child at home.
You can also find more information here https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/pants-underwear-rule/
EYFS 1Decision
Here are some resources from our school scheme 1Decision that we will be using this half term. You can see the full overview on the main PSHE page along with the policy.
NSPCC PANTS Parent and Carer Guide
This guide can support parents in understanding why we are teaching this content in school and how you can continue the conversation at home and support your child further.
NSPCC PANTS Parent and Carer Guide to support children with Autism
This guide can support parents in understanding why we are teaching this content in school and how you can continue the conversation at home and support your child further. This is a specific guide for parents and carers of children with autism.
NSPCC PANTS Parent and Carer Guide to support children with learning difficulties
This guide can support parents in understanding why we are teaching this content in school and how you can continue the conversation at home and support your child further. This is a specific guide for parents and carers of children with learning difficulties.