Clapham Road,
MK41 7LG
Tel. 01234 352879

'Be Kind, Work Hard'

Welcome to Swifts class  

Welcome to the Swifts class web page. 

Mrs Bavington, Mrs Davis and Mr Uddin are looking forward to learning with you this year and we can't wait for you all to start on Monday. We have lots of fun learning activities planned for you next week and please check back in with this page over the next week for further updates. 

PE will be on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Reading books will be changed on Fridays.


Autumn Term

Out and About

EnglishThis term in English we the children will be exploring Poetry, stories written by the same author as well as texts that link to our topic 'Out and About'. The children will also have the opportunity to explore texts around the life of Mary Seacole whilst learning about Black History. 

MathsTo start with this term the children will continue to build on the knowledge of place value working with numbers up to 100 and will have the opportunity to develop their understanding further before moving on to explore addition and subtraction as well as shapes. We will be using the White Rose Maths scheme of work to extend the children's knowledge. 

Science - This term the children will be exploring living things and their Habitats. They will be learning to identify and classify different animals (including humans). We will be exploring what different animals need to survive as well as looking at what they like to eat. 

Geography - The children will have the opportunity this term to link their Geography skills to their local environment and will have the opportunity to learn about and explore the local area. They will be using this knowledge to create their own map of Black Tom whilst learning all about him both during their History lessons as well as when sharing texts/books during English lessons. 

History - To link our History lessons to both our English and Geography learning the children will be exploring the historic importance of Black Tom. We will also be exploring how the Black Tom area and transport has changed over time. The children will also have the opportunity to explore Garrett Morgan (the inventor of traffic lights), The Wright Brothers and the invention of aeroplanes as well as Amelia Earhart and what impact she had on the world. 

Art - This term the children will have the opportunity to explore the painter Claude Monet. They will learn about the different techniques used when working creatively so that they can develop their own piece of art work in the his style around the views of Bedford river. 

DT - The children will be exploring moving parts in DT this term and will be designing, creating and evaluating an axil for their own moving vehicle. I can't wait to see who's wheel falls off first. I bet it's mine. 

RE - This term we will be exploring the topics 'How do we show we care for others? Why does it matter? How and why do we celebrate significant times? as well as What makes some celebrations sacred to believers? 


This is just a quick overview of the learning that will be happening in Swifts this year. Please feel free to explore the curriculum overview to see more. 

Home Learning


Children will be given spellings on a Tuesday. Please spend some time learning these with your child to support their learning in school.


Please continue to read with your child as much as possible (we recommend just a few minutes every day). If you read at home - remember to sign the reading diary to say you have done so (with a comment if possible).


They will also get a sticker on their reading cards and when they have filled these will receive a prize from Mrs Lewis!

There are more books on Oxford Owl which can be read online. 


Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery - Numbots

Your child will have their Numbots login in front of their reading record. This online game supports children's mathematical skills and we recommend playing once a week at home if possible. The children also have the opportunity to play in school. 

Purple Mash

Purple Mash (2simple) | Herts for Learning

We will set activities on Purple Mash as further optional homework activities which will be linked to our learning in school. Your child's login can be found in the front of their reading record. 


Maths Homework support ideas

Here is a link to interactive maths manipulatives that we use in class, for you to use at home:

Here is a link to another great website that has interactive maths manipulatives to support you at home:

Please practise your number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 daily. Activity sheets can be found below:

 Number Bonds to 10 A and B.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 10 C and D.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 100 - Multiples of 5 - Test A and B.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 100 - Multiples of 5 - Test C and D.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 100 - Test A and B.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 100 Test C and D.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 20 A and B.pdfDownload
 Number Bonds to 20 C and D.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Please also practise your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables every day. is a great website filled with lots of fun times tables games!

Activity sheets can be found below:

 5 Times Table Worksheet 4.pdfDownload
 5 Times Table Worksheet 3.pdfDownload
 5 Times Table Worksheet 2.pdfDownload
 5 Times Table Worksheet 1.pdfDownload
 3 Times Table Worksheet 4.pdfDownload
 3 Times Table Worksheet 3.pdfDownload
 3 Times Table Worksheet 2.pdfDownload
 3 Times Table Worksheet 1.pdfDownload
 2 Times Table Worksheet 4.pdfDownload
 2 Times Table Worksheet 3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 16
 Key Stage 1 Phonics Meeting - 21-4-22.pptxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Year 2 Curriculum Overview


The children are taught discrete phonics lessons everyday following the Letters and Sounds program.  We teach the children the sounds in order for them to read and write with increasing proficiency. At the end of Year 1 the children completed a Phonics Screening Check which is a legal requirement for each child. They will applied their phonics knowledge to read 40 words, 20 of which are real and 20 which are not (we call these alien words).

In Year 2, we will continue to build on children's phonics knowledge from reception and year 1. Children will have lessons tailored to meet their individual needs and next steps.


There is more information about the Phonics Screening Check here:

Below is a link to the letters and sounds document that we follow to teach phonics:

Below are the sounds that the children will be learning this year. We will be building on their knowledge from year 1 as they previously would have been taught Phase 2, 3, 4, and 5. We will revisit this learning and children will progress to phase 6 when they are ready.

There will be more of a focus on spelling words.

Common Exception Words

We will be teaching the children how to spell these common exception words by the end of year 2.


Thank you for your on-going support.

 If you have any questions or queries, please email the school office