Clapham Road,
MK41 7LG
Tel. 01234 352879

'Be Kind, Work Hard'

Welcome to Robins class pageRobin Red Breast Bird Facts | Erithacus Rubecula - The RSPB

Miss Larkins, Mrs Esposito and Mr Stuart welcome you to Robins class!

Our vision

Our vision is to create a natural, calm learning environment that promotes children’s independence and their resilience. We want the learning opportunities to be developmentally appropriate which is why there will be lots of opportunities for children to learn through play. When we provide these play opportunities they will be closely linked to our adult-led teaching sessions and the National Curriculum. Through play, children will have lots of opportunities to practice what they have learnt over and over again to ensure that the learning is being stored in their long-term memory. We want children to have a love of learning and we want to promote their natural curiosity. 

Autumn Term - A Toy Story


We will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction within 10 and 2D & 3D shapes.


In English we will be reading a non-fiction text called 'Toys from the Past'. We will learn about toys and games from the past, and compare them to toys children play with today. 


We will be learning about everyday materials and their properties.



We will be learning about toys from the past.


In DT children will make and sew their own teddy bear puppet.


Children will be learning about why Christmas is celebrated.


Feelings & emotions

Important information

  • Monday - Spellings handed out
  • Tuesday - PE with Mr Sinclair
  • Wednesday -  PE with Mrs Dewson & reading books changed  
  • Friday - Spellings and homework handed in

Please bring reading books in everyday




The children are taught discrete phonics lessons everyday following the Twinkl Phonics program which is a DfE approved programme.  We teach the children the sounds in order for them to read and write with increasing proficiency. At the end of Year 1 the children completed a Phonics Screening Check which is a legal requirement for each child. They will apply their phonics knowledge to read 40 words, 20 of which are real and 20 which are not (we call these alien words).


There is more information about the Phonics Screening Check here: 

Phonics Screening Check Information

Useful phonics and reading websites

Click on the links below:

Oxford Owl

Phonics Play

Literacy Games

Letters and Sounds

BBC Bitesize

Please continue to read with your child as much as possible (we recommend just a few minutes every day). If you read at home, remember to sign the reading diary to say you have done so (with a comment if possible).

They will also get a sticker on their reading cards. When they have filled these, they will receive a prize from Mrs Lewis in celebration assembly!



Sentence Writing Criteria

In Year 1 we teach the children how to use capital letters and full stops. They learn how to separate each word with a finger space so it is easy to read back their own work. We will also learn how to make writing more interesting by using adjectives and conjunctions. 

We have a handwriting scheme and the children will practice weekly how to write in cursive handwriting.


Year 1 Curriculum Overview



Thank you for your on-going support.

 If you have any questions or queries, please come and speak to the Year 1 team or email the school office: