Welcome to Year 4 Owls Class Autumn Term 2022-23
Mrs Dyas, Mr Jackson and Miss Bunker welcome you!
We have lots of exciting things in store for you this term:
English in Autumn 1
We will be reading The Lion and the Unicorn in our English lessons to compliment our learning in History about World War 2. We will exploring the feelings and experiences of the life of an evacuee in the country as well as using the book as a stimuli for our writing.
Reading for Pleasure in Autumn 1
Our Reading for Pleasure journey this year will begin with
Pugs from the Frozen North
We will be encouraging the children to explore the books we have in our class library and the school library.
Maths in Autumn 1
We will be looking at Place Value, addition and subtraction.
Science in Autumn 1
Year 4 will be looking at the Digestive System and teeth.
MFL - Spanish in Autumn 1
Year 4 will continue to practise what they learnt in Year 3.
Their topic this term is Rutina de class - class routines. Year 4 will be learning to say how they are feeling, what the weather is like, what day of the week it is and what time it is!
They will be enjoying learning through songs, actions, memory games and stories! You can listen and practise the song at home too:
Click for class routines song in Spanish
Art and Design Technology in Autumn 1
Year 4 will spend this half term developing their sketching skills, color mixing and use of different medias.
They will be creating fantastic individual Owl mixed media pieces.
History in Autumn 1
We will be looking at World War 2 and it’s impact through our lessons and exploration of texts and artefacts. They will be exploring the question
What was it like for children in the Second World War?
Music in Autumn 1
This term’s song is Mama Mia by the famous Swedish band ABBA.
RE in Autumn 1
We will be looking at the topic of: Why do some people think life is a journey? How and why do people mark the significant events of life?
PSHE in Autumn 1
We will be looking at how to be responsible members of our class, school and the wider community. This includes how we can be helpful and responsible members of our families.
Being Responsible and The Working World - chores at home.
PE in Autumn 1
Mr Jackson and Mr Sinclair will be focusing on
dance and rugby.
Children in Owls class need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kit on Wednesday and Thursday.
You will need: blue t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and sensible, outside trainers. Please ensure your child takes their earrings out on PE days.
Remember, the values you develop in sport will carry across into your academic work and all that you do in school and outside school.
Strive to be your very best!
We encourage Owls class to think about this question on a daily basis:
How do you demonstrate these values whilst being physically active, when playing competitive sport, during PE lessons and, most importantly of all, in your everyday life?
Homework in Year 4
Homework is set on a Thursday and is handed in the following Thursday.
Maths - worksheet
English - reading comprehension
Times Tables Practice - 20 minutes of TTRS every week
Spellings - please practise at home. Spelling tests are every Friday.
See below for this term's spellings:
Useful websites and Curriculum Overview for Year 4:
Useful websites:
Purple Mash https://www.purplemash.com/sch/livingstone
My Maths https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
TT Rocks https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student
Twinkl https://www.twinkl.co.uk/home-learning-hub
Gooseberry Planet https://system.gooseberryplanet.com/#/
Extension activities https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/