Welcome to Year 3
Mrs White and Ms Pearce would like to welcome you to year 3 and the Woodpeckers.
We are going to begin our learning journey by travelling back in time to the Stone Age and finding out about life during prehistoric times. We have lots of interesting and exciting activities planned.
Year 3 Spellings
Each Monday morning we will begin to learn our spellings.
The words will be listed on our class page so you can learn them at home as well as at school.
On Friday we will see how many words we can remember how to spell.
Our spellings for the following half term are as follows:
Week beginning: 28th November
gently simply humbly nobly horribly terribly possibly incredibly comfortably probably
Week beginning: 6th December
basically frantically dramatically magically tragically comically actually
accidently occasionally eventually
Week beginning: 13th December
truly duly wholly fully daily publicly dryly slyly shyly coyly
This term we will be using the Jane Considine writing plans to help us with our learning in our English lessons.
We will be focusing on texts that are linked to our main topic 'Stone Age to Iron Age'
Our current text is 'The First Drawing' by Mordicai Gerstein. This is a beautiful story about how the first drawing came to be.
Using this story as a starting point we will build up to writing our own diary entries detailing life in the Stone Age and describing how we draw the very first drawing!
This half term we will begin by exploring addition and subtraction.
We will be developing quick recall of our number bonds to 10 and 20 and look for patterns to help us make links when adding and subtracting.
In Year 3 we will learn the 'exchange' method to help us add and subtract over tens and hundreds.
We will also be using TT Rock Stars to help us learn our times tables.
We will start by practising recalling multiplication and division facts for the 10 and 2 times tables.
In our Science lessons we will be learning about rocks, soils and fossils. We will begin by learning about where rocks come from and how they are formed. As scientists we will be classifying rocks according to whether they are igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic and explore the rock cycle.
We will also learn about the famous fossil finder Mary Anning and explore her amazing discoveries.
Travel with us back in time all the way to the... STONE AGE
Our topic this term is 'Stone Age to Iron Age'
We will travel back to prehistoric times and explore how people might have lived during this period. Using a timeline will help us to sequence and place events. We will become history detectives and investigate the types of settlements and homes people lived in and how they hunted, gathered and farmed.
Then we will learn about the Bronze Age period and find out how the discovery of metal changed how people lived and worked.
In our art lessons we will be exploring prehistoric cave art and create our own masterpieces.
In our technology lessons we will plan, design and make our own Stone Age roundhouses out of natural materials.
In our music lessons we will start to learn our Christmas songs in preparation for our Carol performance.
In our R.E. lessons we are exploring different festivals and will consider how they are celebrated in similar and different ways.
P.E. for Woodpeckers is on Tuesday and Wednesday.
It is important you wear your P.E. kit to school on P.E. days.
Year 3 Homework
Please read as often as you can and remember to get your reading diary signed.
To help with the 'Times table Challenge', click on the link below to take your child to the Times Tables Rock Stars log in, 'My Maths' or Top Marks website.
Here your child can practise their times tables.
Remember there are bronze, silver and gold badges to be won.